
آمفی‌تئاتر خشتی تهران

Not only a Mud-Brick Amphitheater!

This pioneer mud-brick vault is the outcome of three years research done by E.M.C (Esfahk Mud Center). The objective of the research is to revive and document the method of construction for free spanning mud-brick vaults. A knowledge that has been passed trough generations during thousands years (the oral culture of construction).

This is for the first time in the history of architecture that one of these models has been realized by architects themselves and not by masons. Now thanks to the rules extracted by E.M.C from the traditional methods of construction for free spanning vaults, non-professionals in any part of the world will be able to make free spanning-vaults by these historical methods.

I do indicate the importance of this in an era that disconnection of Iranian architects from their tradition of construction may lead to disappearance of these sustainable worthy methods that have been developed during thousands of years (The oldest ones that still exist are related to 3600 years ago from Iran and Egypt).

Free-spanning mud-brick vaults that this project presenting one of them can open new horizons in architecture. In a world dealing with global warming and climate change, in a world with about 80 million displaced people in need of temporary shelters, in an area that most people can not afford housing or even a simple shelter, these methods empover people and make it possible to make what they need by their own hands and from the earth beneath their feet.

So this project is not only a mud-brick amphitheater! Hereyou find a manifest for contemprary architecture in 2021.